
Divorce Recovery for Women

The Core Mobility Fitness Website
About The Divorce Recovery for Women Website:

Even in the best of circumstances, divorce is a life-changing event. You are not the same person you were before the process began. For some, the change is a welcome breath of fresh air and ultimate freedom. For others, the process of redefining yourself can be an all-encompassing, seemingly life-threatening challenge. This is particularly true for women.

DR4W is here to help you navigate this process, meet other women in your same situation for support and help you thrive in your new life. They have blogs and vlogs to help you cope with the challenges of these life changes, learn about money matters and many other topics. They also have events for women to meet in person to grow a network of support and encouragement. Lastly, Denise French, the founder, is not only a divorce survivor and former single mom, but she is also an experienced financial planner. She hosts educational seminars to help you learn about money, getting organized with your finances and how to have financial peace of mind.

Project Features:
  • Complete responsive WordPress website design from the ground up
  • Blogs and Vlogs to support women going through divorce

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